
Monday, October 5, 2009

My Presents From Penniwigs' Blog

I was the happy winner of some presents from Penniwigs' Blog. I expected a popcorn ball, but to my delight there was an extra bonus of some gorgeous acorns. Acorns are one of my favorite things, right along with leaves. Thank you so much Holly!! (By the way, the popcorn ball and candy were gone within minutes. I shared them with my husband - we both enjoyed them very much as we rarely splurge on candy!!!) Such a bright spot in our day!


  1. Lucky you! Just wanted to thank you for posting to Crock Pot Wednesday last week and to let you know that this week's Mister Linky is already up and waiting for you. Thanks again. Debbie at

  2. You're a winner, you lucky girl! And those acorns are so pretty! Ms. Penniwig is a doll, isn't she?!

  3. Hi, Robin,
    You are a very lucky winner!! I love popcorn balls, too. They always remind me of Halloween!! Aren't those acorns the cutest, too!! I enjoyed looking at all the pretties you are creating. You are very talented!! Happy autumn day to you and thank you for stopping by for a visit today!! Vicki

  4. Halloo dearie! Glad it got there somewhat intact! Now I'm off to see these gifts you make!

  5. <a href="


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